Compliance Policies
GDPR Bundle Document

£100.00 + VAT
Download your GDPR Bundle Documents from the UK’s number 1 Employment Law and HR Experts
GDPR Bundle Document
Our GDPR document bundle contains a number of policy documents and other useful forms and precedent wording to help small and medium businesses comply with GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018. This is specifically aimed at businesses who necessarily process data but do not carry out any unusual data processing (such as direct marketing companies or data processing organisations).
The documents will assist you:
- Demonstrate top level commitment to data protection compliance
- Show how you ensure information security
- Notify clients, employees and contractors about their data protection rights
- Update
- Update your existing documents such as employment contracts and data collection forms
- Carry out basic data protection training by way of a toolbox talk
The bundle contains:
1. Data protection policy
2. Information Security Procedure
3. Data Protection Privacy Notice – employee information
4. Data Protection Privacy Notice – subcontractor information
5. Data Protection Privacy Notice – client information
6. Memo to all staff re GDPR
7. Memo to contractors re GDPR
8. Employee confidentiality agreement – general
9. Employee confidentiality agreement – HR employee
10. Contractor confidentiality agreement
11. Data retention schedule – employee records
12. Data retention schedule – subcontractor records
13. Updated data protection wording for employment contracts
14. Specific data privacy notices for:
- Application forms
- New starter forms
- Health questionnaires
- DBS / Criminal record applications
- Vehicle tracking
- Dash cams
- CCTV use
15. Website user terms and conditions
16. Website contact form privacy notice
17. CCTV Policy
18. Bring your own device policy
19. Email footer wording for marketing/promotional purposes
20. Subject access request policy
21. Personal data breach plan
22. Data protection toolbox talk
23. Data protection breach form
24. Data protection register
25. Data protection audit template
We can also offer a full data protection consultancy service where we will assess your data processing activities, security measures and procedures and then provide tailored documentation and list of actions to ensure compliance.