Absence Management
Absence Management – Full Document Package

£9.99 + VAT
Download your Absence Management Package from HS Direct
Absence Management – Full Document Package
The HS Direct Absence Management Package contains the documents you need to manage absences from work, within your business, in line with current regulation and recommended HR best practice.
Effective and consistent management of absences is essential for the success of a business and this package can help you implement the necessary processes to achieve this.
The Absence Management Procedure and Long Term Sickness Management Policy sets out clear guidance on how absences for sickness and injury should be handled by the company and what the responsibilities of the employees are as well.
Unauthorised absences and absences for other reasons such as care of a dependent, public duties and study are also covered.
These documents are supplemented by a selection of template forms; for use when managing a particular absence and will ensure that all the necessary information is collected, and the policies and procedures followed.
Our comprehensive Absence Management package contains the following documents:
- Absence Management Procedure
- Long Term Sickness Management Policy
- Absence Record Form
- Authorised Absence Request
- Emergency Leave for Dependents Form
- Occupational Health Referral Form
- Request for Medical Records or Report
- Return to Work Interview Form
- Self Certification Sickness Form
Buy now and get the help you need to control the impact of absence on your business.