Method statement templates
Brickwork method statement

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It's just £2.99 + VAT View ProductBrickwork method statement
A brickwork method statement provides all the information needed for your employees to carry out tasks, such as bricklaying, safely and correctly. As an employer, it is your duty to maintain safe working practices for employees, with appropriate controls based on the risks identified in the risk assessment.
Our template also contains relevant information for blockwork, so you can get the best of both using this handy resource.
What is a brickwork method statement?
A brickwork method statement offers step-by-step processes for bricklaying work, with specific details on all the requirements and measures that must be considered. This includes the materials used, safety precautions and timescales of the work.
What’s included in this bricklaying method statement?
A method statement for brickwork and blockwork processes needs to be extensive. Without all the relevant information, there is a risk that safety protocols and compliance with regulations will not be achieved.
Our brickwork method statement template includes:
- The requirements of the task
- Preparations the employee should carry out before starting any work
- A step-by-step guide on the processes and procedures that should be followed
- Precautionary measures to reduce risk
- Health and Safety considerations
- Supervisor roles and responsibilities
- Any relevant training requirements
- Details of any tools and equipment that need to be used, including PPE
- Emergency contact details
- Details of on-site and first aid facilities
What is the format of a brickwork and blockwork method statement template?
With our template, you’ll have all bases covered. The brickwork method statement template is 4-7 pages long and is easily adaptable to the requirements of your task. Whether it’s brickwork or blockwork, you can change the template to suit the exact works you need to carry out including:
- Space for your company details and logo
- Start of works
- Details of the Blockwork/stonework and setting out methods
- Lifting and positioning of lintels and steel support work
- Finishing
Why are brickwork method statements important?
Just like any method statement, these are super important. They outline a detailed plan that supports everybody with the process, from start to finish, including the work that needs to be completed, the materials, resources, and equipment needed, and the safety measures required. This makes sure that the brickwork being carried out runs smoothly and safely.
After completing your Brickwork and Blockwork Method Statement we strongly recommend completing a Brick & Blockwork Risk Assessment.
Explore our extensive range of Method Statement Templates, designed for all business specialties. Follow the link for more options.
Why choose HS Direct?
We’ve supported thousands of clients since 2004 with their HR and Health & Safety documentation. Check out our other RAMs documents if you need risk assessment templates or method statements, to make sure your business has all the right documentation. Our brick dust COSHH assessment (Silica) can help you work towards site safety in line with The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 after completing a brickwork method statement.