Keeping it cool: your guide to safe summer working

We all love summer – barbecues, beach weekends and sunbathing. But as the temperatures rise, risks at work do too, and summer can pose quite a lot of problems to businesses. During summer 2022, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) saw visits to their online hot weather working guidance increase by nearly a thousand percent – it’s not something we’re used to dealing with, but as warm temperatures aren’t going anywhere, now’s the best time to get prepared.

In this free guide, we’ll be going over a few considerations you need to make, like heat stress, managing holidays and annual leave, employee engagement and e-learning.

Covering topics from the laws surrounding inclement weather, heat stress, holiday leave and boosting morale in the summer, this is your best companion for keeping everyone happy and healthy in summer.

Simply leave your details on this form to get it straight to your inbox!

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