Free Method Statement Template
Would your business benefit from a free method statement template? Our HS Direct template will help you understand what’s required in a method statement and what to include when writing it.
What is a method statement?
A method statement (also known as a safe system of work, or work method statement) is a Health & Safety document that outlines the processes or steps workers must take to carry out a particular job or role safely.
Typically, method statements are most commonly used in industries such as the construction sector and have proven to be useful, practical ways of managing and monitoring high-risk work, including various workplace hazards, the necessary precautions that should be taken, and any training procedures or permits.
Why are method statements important?
As a business with five or more employees, you’re legally required to have an up-to-date risk assessment in place under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.
While it’s not a legal requirement, you should also have an adequate method statement template that shows how you plan to reduce the risks identified in your risk assessment. Smaller businesses with less than five employees may choose to carry out risk assessments and complete a method statement if the work they carry out is of higher risk – such as working in construction.
This free method statement template is ideal for people who are:
- Self-employed
- Performing high-risk work
- Carrying out work at height
- Working with electronics
- Carrying out risk assessments
Simply fill out your details in the form opposite and we’ll email our free method statement template to you directly!
Risk assessments and method statements (RAMS)
Combined risk assessment and method statement documents are known as RAMS (Risk Assessments and Method Statements).
Both are used to help manage risks and ensure Health & Safety compliance, but there are a few key differences. Risk assessments evaluate the potential hazards within the workplace and suggest control measures to mitigate and reduce them, whereas method statements describe how the work should be completed and in what order to guarantee a safe working environment for all employees.
What to include in your method statement
To help manage your workplace risks and their control procedures effectively, we’ve put together this free method statement template which includes information on the following:
- All the possible workplace hazards that apply to your business
- The control procedures you need to have in place for every possible scenario
- A step-by-step process, to be completed by your Competent Person, so people can continue working safely and compliantly
Check out our blog on how to write a method statement for more information.
Download your free method statement template from HS Direct
We have an impressive range of method statement templates for you to check out, with over 100 available templates to choose from. We have templates that cover every type of industry, from ground works method statements and electrical method statements to roofing method statements and much more!
Contact us today and a member of our team will be on hand to help you with any queries you may have about our free method statement template.