Even details: Thursday 21 April, 10:00 am – 10:45 am (10:00 am meet and greet)
For: Business owners and Directors in all sectors
In 2021, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) reported that 1.7 million working people suffered from a work-related illness, many of which could have been avoided if businesses had suitable risk assessments in place.
To make sure your business doesn’t become part of this unfortunate statistic, our Head of Health & Safety, Lee Mockridge, will be holding an exclusive free webinar covering everything you need to know about risk assessments, including:
- What risk assessments are and why your business needs them
- How to identify potential risks and hazards in your workplace
- What steps you need to take to properly control and manage any hazards you’ve identified
- Who’s most likely to beat risk on your premises
- How to calculate your business’s overall risk rating
There’ll also be time at the end for you to speak to Lee first-hand and ask any business-specific questions,so you can apply the answers directly in your business.
To sign up to this free webinar, simply fill in your details in the form opposite and we’ll save you a seat!